Madigan is at is again. Pretending to be an ally of the public education system. His concern about public schools is so strong, that his plan to fix them is to destroy them.
Apparently, funding schools, and ensuring good teachers working free from coercion are on the bottom of the "solution pile"; while the only sound way (In Madigan's mind) is to remove the best and brightest from the public school system, and to cut funding, via a voucher program.
Sounds like a cure that is worse than the disease to me. How about a different solution? Here's an idea: Pay teachers a competitive salary, that will pull them out of the private sector, and into the classroom. Currently, we pay a paltry wage to our teachers, ensuring we get either a) Bottom of the barrel people, who couldn't hack it anywhere else or b) People who don't care if they eat ramen for their entire life, and are motivated to change if only one student.
I can tell you from experience. People in the "b" category can only take so much before they get burnt out, and call it quits. The only ones who stay on for a long time are those whose intestinal fortitude is equal to that of God's (A tiny minority), or those in category "a".
Here's another solution: Let's actually fix where the problem is. The Board of Education. The teachers are the ones in the trenches, doing what they're told, with the tools they have at hand. The Board of Education are the ones who are creating the failed policies and directives.
What won't work? Creating "vouchers". Why? Because the only parents who will try to get their kids into alternate schools, are the ones who are already successful. This will leave the public education system with minimal funding, and all the troublesome students. Public schools are the only ones that will take every student that walks in. These private schools? They can (And will) reject students that don't meet their standards. THAT'S why they appear so successful. They pick only the best. Public schools don't pick.
Another solution? Let's get the politicking out of the schools. When at every turn your party is attacking science, history, and math; why would we think you truly have education at the forefront of your concern? You picked your label (Republican), now, you've got the baggage to go with it. Let's get educators deciding how to educate, not politicos.
Well, enough of that. I bag on Madigan quite a bit... Now for the "Spin Zone". I'm hearing from some media outlets that Obama threw the debate, purposefully! I was like,"Wut?"
Come on guys. He didn't throw the debate. He was off his A-Game. Not shocking. Not a big surprise. Not unheard of. Even Reagan, the "Great Communicator" performed about the same on his first debate during his re-election run. It didn't cost him the election.
Come on... Don't resort to Faux News tactics of basically lying through your teeth.
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