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Friday, August 10, 2012

Grisanti v. Stocker

This shows how much I keep up with politics.  I didn't even know Kevin Stocker was running against Mark Grisanti!  I just figured the GOP and right wing nuts rolled over this time around, and left Grisanti alone.

I learned Stocker was running yesterday when I got a politimailing reminding me about the GOP primary (Yes, I'm registered GOP, no, I'm not changing my affiliation).

The funniest thing about it:  Stocker's "Promises" read just like Grisanti's voting record.  About the major sticking point Stocker is trying to nail Grisanti with is the marriage equality vote.  Got news for ya Stocker:  WNY overwhelmingly supports marriage equality.  If that's your selling point, you're all doomed to fail.  Remember the area you are running in:  Home to the largest LGBT communit between NYC and Toronto.

Personally?  I like Grisanti.  He's no-nonsense, gets things done, and works for our region.  Stocker just seems like he's promising the exact same thing as Grisanti, but repealing the marriage equality law.  And that right there, is the reason he doesn't stand a chance.


  1. WNY may support same sex marriage, but, unfortunately, most Republican primary voters probably do not.

  2. We'll see, I suppose. I'm a Republican Primary voter, and I do.

    I suppose, however, it boils down to "Who is most electable in the general election", and anyone who opposes marriage equality just isn't electable.

  3. The issue with the same sex marriage issue is that Grisanti either lied to voters in the old district just to get elected or he made a deal for his vote to get a favorable redrawing of the district, which he did. I expect some deception during a campaign but let's face it if he doesn't make that "promise" he doesn't win.

    Even though I favor legalizing same sex marriage I will never vote for Grisanti in a primary or general election because I can trust him to do what he says.
