Let me guess? You're a bit skeptical? I know I was, until I read more about the FreeMoneyForAll.org website. The site is ran by Dr. Carl Milsted, a self ascribed "Dr. Evil", and a Libertarian of 25 years.
His proposed system is based on the idea of tax "pre-bates". And, the pre-bate is based on the wealth of the nation. He admittedly doesn't have an amount for the pre-bate, but most things are pretty clear. There are few restrictions to who gets a pre-bate: Any citizen who filed a tax return. This same system is discussed in the book "In Our Hands : A Plan To Replace The Welfare State
So, let's just assume (For this series) that the pre-bate is in the amount of $1500 per month. I believe this is the top end for what you can get in welfare benefits each month. By sending each citizen a monthly check in the amount of $1500, we can in one fell swoop, eliminate the welfare system.
Will we still need to keep around the Medicare/Medicaid system? Maybe.
The first question is,"Well, how do we pay for handing everyone a monthly check?" That right there is the "devious" part of it. We can eliminate the following programs by doing this:
- Welfare - Without the overhead of people applying for, and being evaluated based on need, we eliminate the entire welfare system, and we do no harm to it.
- Tax loopholes and Subsidies - Since we are already handing a monthly check of $1500 to every citizen, we can also eliminate every tax loophole and subsidy.
- Social security - As with welfare, this will replace it, and usually increase benefits by quite a bit
- Tax System - Since we are already creating a bottom floor, we can now implement a flat tax system of something in the neighborhood of 30%.
- Eliminate the SS and FICA taxes - We can do this, since SS is being eliminated, and FICA, well, we can pay for it with the increased tax rate.
Conservatives should be happy, and consider it a win because we now have smaller government. No inspections of your tax return to check every loop hole. No more special consideration. Flat tax is now in place. This is a huge win for conservatives!
It's a win for everyone, because now we can reasonably balance our budget, without unduly shifting the burden to anyone, wealthy or poor.
Next up: How much money exactly?
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