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Monday, June 25, 2012

Fast And Furious: The new Monica Lewinsky Scandal?

So, this investigation by Darrell Issa into "Operation Fast and Furious" is all over the news as of late.  Holder is up for a contempt charge (Hell, who doesn't hold congress in contempt right now), and these hearings are stretching into 4 months or so now.

And, if you believe most of the stories, this is a plan, wholly thought up by Holder and Obama, to gut the second amendment, and then lying about it, and covering it up to the American public, via "Executive Privilege".

The reality, is (for better or worse), far less dramatic.

What we have here, is an operation that has been going on since 2006, called "Project Gunrunner".  Guns were funneled from the US into the hands of cartels, with the notion of,"Don't worry!  We'll trace them!"

Multiple instances since 2006 of funneling guns across the border occurred, and it started under GW Bush, and was continued by Obama.

Was the entire project a failure?  Of course.  Should we have been funneling guns to cartels?  Hell no.  Is it "All Obama's fault"?  Not really.  It's his fault the operation continued, and he should have killed it once he found out.  Is it a nefarious plan to ban guns in the US?  No.  Obama was the first president in 30 years to relax gun laws.

So, Holder is being held in contempt of congress.  The GOP is gunning for blood.  Does any of this sound familiar?  It should.  The same thing happened in Clinton's administration.  The GOP was more interested in a witch hunt than actually doing something.  They're not gunning for justice, they're gunning for the failure of the president.

The only way Issa could convince me that his goals are not politically motivated, but rather just looking to right a wrong is to start investigating the Bush administration as well.  Because they are just as culpable in this as the new administration.  Then it might demonstrate they are looking for more than just blood.

But, if history is any teacher, this whole thing will just blow up in the GOP's face.  As Lewis Black put it:

When Bill Clinton got into his mess, pretty much every American wanted Bill Clinton punished. They didn't want him impeached, but they wanted something like a spanking or something. So they turned to the Republicans and said, 'Come on! Get the little prick!' And the Republicans took out their guns, got him in their sights, turned the guns around (points gun at his head), and went 'BAM!'
I'm looking forward to it.

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